Thursday, December 4, 2014


Dear everyone,
I think the world needs to know its

Haaaaapppppy birthday tooooo youyouoyo
Happy birthday to yoooooowiwooii
Happy birthday dear Valentiiiiiinnnneee!
Happy birthday to yououououuo!
Lovely singing voice I know ;).

Seriously though guys she is amazing and I will be popping up again around the Christmas time (well closer to it).


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Apparently i'm dead.

How was your Halloween???
I'm so sorry that we didn't post, I actually have a good reason why I didn't ( or couldn't) but I had to download the Blogger app to finally be able to post.
My computer has been glitching for the past few months so I cannot check my emails or anything unless I have my phone with me and is looking there.
The truth is, I was going to post about ways to spend your Halloween, but since its past Halloween, this post is more of an apology.
And to your relief (hopefully) I am not dead and am actually healthy and breathing fine.
So I'm really excited for Christmas, how about you??
Christmas is my favorite holiday so yes, I guarantee you I will be posting a week before or a few days before Christmas because I cannot (do not) have the time to post on Christmas day.
This post was more of a filler, and I'm extremely sorry if it hadn't reached your expectations.
The next post will be by Jaz.
Peace out,

Saturday, October 11, 2014

We updated!

We updated yesterday. I think we legit spammed the whole "post" part of our blog, but that's fine since we actually made up for all those times when we ain't got nothin to post about. *snaps fingers sassily*


AHEM. I'm good, thank you.

If you haven't read our posts yesterday, I HIGHLY recommend that you do, and give us a little feedback on the way, will ya?? It'll help. If you have any suggestions on what we should post, go ahead and tell us. I'd most definitely appreciate that, and I hope Jaz will too, although I am not so sure she'll go easy on you if you insult her or us.

But please do read our recent posts if you haven't.

~Jess (because my name is really Jessica.)

P.S (I stole Jas' math joke.)

Friday, October 10, 2014

I'm falling for fall. (ha ha get it ;))

   Hey guys! So its fall now....AND ITS NOT VERY COLD WHERE I LIVE AND IT USUALLY IS I MEAN I AM WEARING SHORT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Ahem excuse me. So IF it was cold I would be able to wear my favorite sweaters without SWEATING LIKE A PIG (sorry for the rant).

    So you probably expected a "OMG THE PSL (Pumpkin Spice Lattes) ARE BACK!" but honestly I cant find any fudge to give (well its a family friendly website so you know no swearing) about the pumpkin spice lattes......instead I LOVE THE PUMPKIN WHOOPIE PIES FROM Metropolitan market they are DA BOMB! So its fall the leaves are gorgeous, Thanksgiving, Halloween all that ya-da-ya-da-ya-da.

DID I JUST "ya-da-ya-da-ya-da" HALLOWEEN! *gasp*


 So for Halloween I am going as.....(drum roll please...fine be that way) the 11th Doctor! (from Doctor Who) IDK what to say about my costume so on to the next topic.

    The candy doe.....don't judge me there is no such thing as too old to trick or case you are wondering I am not 20. -_-
Anyways I have come across a perfect solution for all you newb candy traders out their here is a simple video to teach you the ins and outs.

So I hope that was helpful. Recently we have been going through our old posts so you guys should check them out!


So this fall my clothing staples have been:

    I have that jacket (the same exact one) but that's not me. ;)
 Another couple staples this fall for me is leggings (don't judge), brown boots, and jeans but that doesn't count because I usually wear them anyways.

Mine are kinda like those except their are no sock thingys and a little bit different cuts but you get what I mean

I think I'm done.
(This was in October but I re-edited it ;))

~Jas  (cause it is really Jasmine)

It's hilarious how you think you are cool.

So I could only post this after Jaz posted hers because I have pretty much been spamming this blog.
Okay, along with school, there is something much bigger and badder than the big bad wolf in my school. That is...


Two weeks ago, I was walking to my locker which was, inconveniently, on the bottom floor and situated in a hallway which is always closed.


So I was walking towards my locker after finishing my lunch, and there was this T.A with braided hair and streaks of light pink, her hair was all in some sort of updo. Her eyes were like those of an inspector: scanning through everything briefly.

She was intriguing, to say the least; and she was absolutely terrifying.

I had my lunch box with me, and as I headed towards my locker, which of course was in the closed hallway, she came towards me.

I swear at that moment there was an evil glint in her eye. I mean, if she popped out a gun and her pink streaks turned blood red, I wouldn't be surprised.

Ah, my imagination.

To sum it up, she was heading towards me.

When she reached me, she asked me what lunch I had. Since she was a T.A, and a freaking creepy one at that, I replied with a "second."

She then proceeded to ask me what time second lunch starts and ends.

I mean, at this point, I was like: "I didn't come all this way for you to interrogate me, if you want to eat lunch, just go and find out for yourself."

So, being the goody two shoes I am, I told her I didn't know. I mean, I like food and all, but I'm not so obsessed that it's all I think about.


She says, bluntly, "Then I guess you can't go through this hallway, BYE."

Like I said, I am a goody two shoes, so I left.

It's hilarious how you think you are cool.

Change of topic, there have been quite a lot of people lately that are complete douches.

It's hilarious how you think you are hot.

- Jessica

My flats are well... helpful? I can't believe I didn't know this!

    So was surfing the interweb (I'm weird don't judge me) when I came across a video saying that you should "NEVER WEAR FLATS WITH SKINNY JEANS!?!" Because it makes you look all frumpy and stubby so I tried my old flats on ( at my feet's risk ) and a pair of skinny jeans and it was horrid, so now every time someone does that I face palme myself in my head and say, "You should of worn that with heels" in my casual old lady voice.

Of course I don't actually say that out loud because most of the time its when I am riding the public transit and they are strangers I don't know. I hope you have learned from this yung padawon.

This is Jaz...
signing out.
(Jessie may have added the old lady part. HEHE)

Jaz and her weirdness

    As some people may have or may not have noticed, Jaz talks like a woman... I mean, a REAL woman....

I mean, since we are Tweens/Teens do you guys want us to talk/post like a... Old lady or something? Or the way I post, like myself. Just random updates about life, I will get Jaz' permission before I post this because she probably doesn't like how I question her posts, she will end up posting things like,

"Hello children, today we will talk about the latest fashion and doctor who's anniversary! Yay! Isn't that wonderful, kids?" *shuders* ahhhh!!!

No offense to Jaz but the only thing preventing you from becoming an old lady is your spelling, since sometimes your busy and you don't check your spelling it might end up like this,

Warning: if you are Jaz, please don't get offended by this part.

"Hello Childen, today we wil talk about the latesst fahion and Doctor Who's Anaversary! Yaya! Isn't that wonerful, kids?" 

Sorry! Reality!! :O And I know you love Doctor Who! c; stalker In the house!! 

What? Me... ? Noooooooo........ *innocent face*

:DD cya later peeps gtg it's near midnight now.... I'm using the blogger app!


-Jessica Briggs

Jaz is really annoying

So... Jaz is a poopy face. (I'm quoting her.)

I bet I caught your attention with that title, huh?

So, Jaz is not really annoying - I mean, she's as annoying as she usually is... HEH - but I wanted to catch her attention and make her rant on me so HA.

- to the main point of this post.

Anyway, if you haven't noticed, the blog has been REMODELED. :)

I truly hope that you have noticed (I mean, if you haven't then... you must be either blind, drunk, or really stupid. For your health, I hope it's the latter.) because Jaz and I have been working SUPER hard.

We spent our day off from school doing this.

Sad life, I know.

So the bevel color, the footer, and the page stuff are ALL changed.

Yep. I'm done here.

-Jessica Briggs

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Summer Favorites of September/August!! (oops that's not really summer)

Dear world out there,

So a few days ago, Jaz posted her summer favorites, so why not post mine? Huh?

yeah it's totally not 11 PM right now...

HAH..... HAH.....

Let's move on with it!


1. This cute outfit on Pinterest
2. Shakespeare Quotes (What?)
3. Doctor Who Quotes (Stop looking at me like that.)
4. Percy Jackson Quotes (Okay fine. I'll move on.)
5. This other cute outfit on Pinterest.
6. A girl in my Orchestra who has the cutest outfits ever (I'm so jealous.) and she's really pretty and I think I'd turn gay for her but no.
7. Uh.... Divergent?
7.5. Yes, I'm late, deal with it.


8/1. Little Bird by Ed Sheeran.
9/2. Greyson Chance.
10/3. Mistletoe by Justin Bieber.
11/4. Here's 2 Us by Victoria Justice & Victorious
12/5. 8 Song Mashup by Superfruit & Tori Kelly
13/6. Silent (From 'The Giver' soundtrack) by Tori Kelly
14/7. LA Boyz by Victoria Justice ft. Ariana Grande
15/8. Break Free by Ariana Grande
16/9. Shake it off by Taylor Swift (T SWIZZLE. Okay, who's not obsessed with that?)


17/10. Leveling up on Woozworld
18/11. Reading 'We were liars'
19/12. Reading 'Crank' (it's a horror)
20/13. Getting annoyed at this girl who's in both my Math & Block period. Like could you shut up? (SHES A LIAR.)
20/13.5. I don't know about you, but considering she's shorter than me (and believe me, I'm short) and she claims that she can flip her uncle over onto the ground makes me doubt her.


Okay well that's it.


Guys gotta make this quick, gotta eat a stick.

Okay so for the past few days, I've felt really poetic and just plain old.

     I really hope that feeling will not leave me in times like this, when I try to come up with something meaningful to say, or funny enough to be in a blog post.

I have to sleep soon so this has to be quick.

Anyway, for the past few  months, I've been obsessed with Wattpad and honestly, I've met this really poetic and inspiring author (@silenciuse) and she's amazing.

After reading one of her many poetic stories I got inspired to write my own. It's a collection of chapters which tell the tale of a man who lost his son and wife to a train but...let's not go into details.

     It's called "Trainwreck" and can be available for sale on Ebay, Amazon, and--
whoa hold up,
Just kidding.

I wish though.

Okay, back to the topic, I've been feeling a bit like the clean Shakespeare.
Which can be good, until that moment when you get into your bed, and then you're all like,
"To thine own self be true, goodnight the birds be blue, fat smiles make the world look like sue.."

Yes, I completely made that up but let's just sit here and make up a few poetic sentences. Make them sound cool then we can call it a day okay?

I'm tired and this was probably not proofread.
Now it has been ;) -Jasmine

Okay so that's just a thing going on right now, nothing super big or anything, just random stuff.

Since this blog literally has ZERO things to do with Woozworld, I think I may do some remodeling when I have time and ya-da-ya-da-ya-da-dah.

   Today, I've just been notified that my neighbor, who-shall-not-be-named, is starting to take the bus.
With me.
Yay life.

  I'm supposed to stop by their door and knock on it.

   Like heck no I'm not doing that.

But anyway, my dad just told me a few minutes ago, (and by 'a few' I mean like two hours or something), and for me, knowing me, it'll probably end up going something along the lines of this:

Me: toota-loota-loooo walking to nobody's business.

Neighbor: silence.

Me: knocks on door then runs away like a maniac.


And if my neighbor turns out to be late or something, then it's their fault.

I'm kind of tired of calling my neighbor "neighbor" so let's go ahead and call them: "Sam"

Because Sam can be a guy & girl name.


Well that's it.

I'm tired, my eyes are droopy, and I'm about to go hit the hay.

Sincerely--yours truly, the non-proofreading, smart, anti-social, bookworm..

Jessica Briggs

Monday, September 15, 2014

Summer Favorites

    Hey Guys! Jaz here, so today I am doing my summer favorites.

So this summer we have enjoyed a playlist of songs here is mine!

  • Becky G feat. Pitbull - Can't Get Enough
  • Cher Lloyd - Superhero 
  • Jessie J - Domino
  • Bang Bang - Jessie J feat. Ariana Grande Nicki Minaj
  • Meghan Tranior - All About that Bass
  • AJR - I'm Ready
  • Echosmith - Come Together
  • Echosmith - Cool Kids
  • Echosmith - Talking Dreams
  • Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
  • Karmin - Acapella
  • Chandelier - Sia
  • Best Mistake - Ariana Grande
  • Lock me up - The Cab
  • Drive By - Train
So those were all my summer favorites (sorta) I don't like all of them at this point because it was the WHOLE summer.

    This summer some of the video games i got into was
  • Halo (reach)
  • Mirrors Edge
  • Portal 2
  • Skyrim
  • TF2
So yeah, I have been thinking of making a You|tube| channel? What do you think?

Okay I lied.....

   Hey Guys!
So I kinda said I would post a video of my trip to Taiwan but I kinda got lazy then realized that I don't have a good editor so....yeah. If you guys have any recommendations then please tell! >,<

         Besides that School has obviously started, I am at a new school and I didn't know anyone and it is a great experience! I'm glad I get a clean slate to start anew but its hard being the new kid because I haven't been for the last eight years. Its also kinda stressful because next year I have to go to a new school again! *sigh*  so yeah that what I have been up to.

      At the TCN's I was really disapointed when Conner Franta, or JennXpenn didn't win. :( Who do you think should have won? Also recently I have been loving the Mortal Instruments series its sooooooooooo good!!!!! (I haven't seen the movie BTW)


Sunday, September 7, 2014

I hate school.

Dear people,                           September 7, 2014

So school has been bugging me.


Since I have orchestra, I just HAVE (rolls eyes) to pick up my instrument after school, WHILE the hallways are crowded with people, besides all those periods and walking and walking and (sheesh, did I tell you...?) WALKING. . .

I guess that's what has been motivating me to hate school.

But anyway, sorry for being sidetracked, like I said, I hate all the walking, because being me, (the little lazybum that I am), I really just don't like to walk.

Periods, classes, teachers, students, and WALKING.


Okay, to the point of this blog post today, It's all about how I have started school, and if you haven't then you are one lucky, lucky human being.

So anyway, the biggest thing I hate about school is the fact that none of my friends were there, which sucks because I am now a loner on the bus and at lunch.

-Slowly claps-

To summarize that, I am a loner and I hate school.

The fact that I have to walk everywhere (more than I had to way back when,)  bugs me. There are also people who, apparently, like to bump into me whilst walking to their next period.

I mean, who would bump into such a nice and kind person as I?

I'm so modest, ha ha.

About the blog, since school has started, I will be posting more [as an excuse to not have to do homework] and Jaz (being the goodie two shoes she is,) most likely will not be posting as often, but that's alright because I am here!!

I may also do a little remodeling of the blog, so be surprised when you see the changes I have made. I am trying to give this blog a more modern and mature look, so as of now, I will be giving Heart Daily a makeover soon.

After I edit this post and all, I will be quick to follow up with my Summer Favorites of September!!

Stay tuned and this is Valentine,


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What to do when you have nothing to do (except read this)

This is a lame post.

Oh well.

So anyway, how are you doing guys? I'm doing great, thanks for not asking. Um, I'm sorry for the slack of posts, it's summer, and I, being the kind soul I am, decided to post about what to do when you have nothing to do! Basically if you do have something to do but you don't want to do it and you're bored someway or another.

I am so confusing sometimes, just bear with me.

Sometimes when I'm bored, all I do is watch YouTube so I'll try to make this as interesting as possible. Since I'm a cheapalic (cheapalic?), I'll try to make  everything as free and as simple as.....

Yeah, let's start.

1. Sleep (who doesn't like sleep?)

2. Eat (cause it's never too late for food.)

3. Sing (that depends whether you're good or not, as for me, I'll keep my tongue silent.)

4. Read.

5. YouTube.

6. Anything athletic. (Sports, running, swimming, horizontal running....etc.)

7. Eat

8. Sleep.

9. Socialize, online or not.

10. (Last one!) YOUTUBE.

Okay so thank you so much for reading this post, I hope it helped you.

Thanks for bearing with me all this way, hope you have a beautiful day!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Crazy Obsessions

So this week, I've had quite a lot of obsessions, and all of them are from or located in YouTube.

I think we should start with music, the songs I've been really obsessing over is Postcard by Bridgit Mendler. I really like this song because it's catchy and it's really relatable. The parts where I, as a female, can relate to the most, is when she sings:

"I'm not a Barbie doll, throw me your baseball."

Because there used to be a lot of sexist boys at my school, not anymore thankfully, but there used to be, and they used to never share with me, or anything. And that sucked.

But moving on, my other song obsession is the song Introducing Me by Nick Jonas and Hero by Sterling Knight. I understand that he didn't actually sing 'Hero' but I really don't want to have to search up who really sang the song.

Introducing Me by Nick Jonas is a song I recommend you hearing and if you don't hear it, that's definitely your loss.

Okay, two more song obsessions this week of mine, are Perfect Two by Auburn and the last one is Umbrella by Rihanna. They're both beautifully written songs :) I'm sure you've all heard Umbrella before, it's old, but it's one of the most obsessed songs of mine.

Now, I'm going to talk about my new favorite TV show, which is not really new, because it's the only favorite tv show that I've ever had in my lifetime.

This show is not on TV anymore, but it's located on YouTube! It's Sonny with a Chance.

If you're like me, and you cannot stand those cliché TV love romances, then hello Sonny with a Chance. This show is literally my favorite show. I've watched so many reruns of S02E20 that I literally can't stand to stay away from YouTube.

Chad Dylan Cooper is my favorite character, because honestly he's really smooth, funny, and cute. He may not be nice in the beginning but he warmed up to the Randoms and he became a really nice person. ChannyFTW!!!

Anyway, I'm sure listening to me babble about my favorite obsessions was just SO fun. Sorry if I killed you're spirit.

Anyway, I think I might go and watch some reruns, and I'll be back next time I post.

Bye ❤️


Jaz and I haven't been posted on schedule. So I'm pretty sure I'll take the Schedule down since we post on our own accord. If we want to post on Friday we can, if we want to post on Monday we can. If we want to post on the same day we can.

Jaz and I have also have a goal to post every week so keep in tuned for that. Thanks for staying with us. :)

Friday, June 27, 2014


    Hey pees!
Have you ever been submerged in a new culture, you were already sort of knew? Well I have! This summer (meaning now) I am in Taiwan learning Mandarin, because the best way to learn a language is to not just learn the language but also the culture! I start Monday, (or Sunday on your time) so far its been amazing with the different do's and don'ts, bus systems, food (but I eat the same style at home every day just not as good of produce), fashion, climate, and more! I should have a video put together by the and of the summer!

   One thing I noticed recently is that my grammar is going down, my cousins and my Grandparents all learned English. Its not perfect so my grammar is slowly getting lower, I will say "We should go back get umbrellas" instead of, "We should go back and get the umbrellas!" (BTW I am half Chinese). Another thing I say now is "iyoh!" ,so yeah it rubbing off on me.

None of this is meant to be offensive in any way. Please realize this is for entertainment purposes only.

Hope to talk to you all soon!
Jasmine Andersine

P.S(the song I am loving right now is called Shower, by Becky G)!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

New Trailer!

Here is my new trailer for the book:
The Last Name!

Love, Hugs, and Kisses,

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Hey guys ♥

Jess here :) So today I am going to attach my book trailer for a new book (series) I am making...

The Library - It is based on me and my friends scenes and are conversations together <3

Do you like it? It was made entirely by me so it may be a little slow on some of the editing but I'm not a professional.

That is for the first book: Blink

Here is the series:

The Library - Blink - Book One
The Library - Nightmares - Book Two
The Library - Broken Hearts - Book Three
The Library - Ghosts of the Graves - Book Four
The Library - Everlasting Faces - Book Five

:) I didn't finish every book yet but I am in the middle of writing some!

I hope you enjoyed the titles and the book trailer!
:* Here is the link:

Love ya all,

Friday, March 7, 2014

Read my novel!

Hey guys, Valie here and I have become a true... weirdo. Oops ;) I dunno why I wrote that.. (but its true), because.... (dramatic music) I decided to upload a book that is 100% written by me and is owned by me, and I wanted to share it with you guys. :P

 hope you all like it! 

:)xoxo,Jess (Valentine Rose)

Monday, February 17, 2014

We (I) changed the youtube thing!

So I changed the Youtube channel name because I just thought, well since me and Jaz and technically the only ones on this blog (for now) we might as well change the Youtube channel name! Well, once we get new authors we will (maybe) update the YouTube channel but..... maybe... (THATS WHAT I JUST SAID!)

Anyway, I made a new video that I want you all to see, and it's for you guys to vote for me for Justy's Photo Contest!


Also, If you haven't already, feel free to click that subscribe button!


"This content has been removed due to it being inappropriate"

No offense to those who use:
"This content has been removed due to it being inappropriate"
It was funny at first, but when I see that over and over again on the WoozIn, it's kind of boring and I don't think it's necessary to put that there. Just saying.

Love, Hugs, and Kisses,

Monday, February 10, 2014

CONTEST (sort of not really)

Hey guys so for our new social media we need you to email us fan art to the email, That way we can create a collage of course I dont expect there to be much fan art. Here are the rules.

1). The art work must be appropriate.
      -Cant look like its from a porn magazine.
      -No curse words
      -Use your common sense

2). Obviously it has to fit into Gmails largest file to send being 25 Megabytes.

3). It has to have something to do with the blog.

4). NO STICK FIGURES UNLESS IT IS FUNNY make sure the joke(s) are not to crass.

I am going to do a walk through of the steps because I don't think this is long enough.

Step #1-Make the art

Step#3-Send the art to my email

Step#4- Wait and see, we will email you back if we think yours was great and we are keeping it we will add it or if it is inapropriet than we will email you back saying we cant take it.

So get creative! Thanks!


Saturday, January 25, 2014


     Hey guys! JAZ HERE! Anyway so this month and the next i will be with my lion dance/kung-fu class team for chinese new year so we will be super busy! Basically you wont hear from me for a while....well thatt is how it goes anyway hehe....-_-.  So yeah.......this is kind of awkward i am just going to be over here now. Also if you guys want a certain type of post type a suggestion in the comments below! Thanks!

This was Hearts daily keeping you updated!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fashion Updates | Outfit Ideas

So yes, no posts in a long time and I decided to do one about fashion, why? Because I have these really cute outfit ideas that I got inspired to draw.

I wasn't able to attach the drawing on here so I will describe it out for you guys.

Plain straight hair or curly/wavy hair, basically anything will do.
Striped patterned sweater (any colors that go well together, ex. Red/Green or Blue/Orange)
Jeggings or Skinny Jeans (COLORS: Dark blue or black)
Combat Boots (COLORS: preferably brown but black will also work)
Black Scarf (optional) Some sort of wrist band (COLORS: preferably black or a color that matches the outfit)

So I was supposed to just have that outfit out but for those of you who are lazy and don't have those items, here's an outfit that is dedicated to you.

Any hair type, color and style will do
T shirt with some sort of pattern on it, something that isn't boring! 
Jean shorts, not too long, not too short (whatever your parents would let you wear!)
Sneakers, converse, tennis shoes, or even flats!
A cute necklace that is casual ans chic at the same time! (Can be found at Claires)

Well, that's it for today! <3

Jessie here, signing out!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Happy New Year! Very late i know

Hey guys! This is Valie here...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Yes I am late.... Sorry! I got sooo distracted because I was moving the Christmas tree out of my house and I was cleaning my room and doing my homework because school is about to start and all those annoying and 'fun' things.

So thank you for your patience and time because JAZ has not been updating lately and we need more readers to keep all of us motivated. Anywayyyys, do you guys like the new (ummmm...) picture thingy at the top of the blog? (YEAAA!!!!) It took forever to make because Jaz was sorta not technically in the photo.... So anyway, we decided to postpone the book club because we are busy with upcoming school stuff and other things that school gives us. 

So to end our book club Percy Jackson edition, I thought it would be cool to make a fan-fiction but I need votes in order to do it. I need votes for what I should write about because this is sort of going to be interactive, I will need lots of ideas and other things too, here are some ideas that I think would be good. 

1) Truth or Dare (don't worry I will make it humorous because I hate dirty (lemony) ones.)
2) PERCABETH ONE - SHOTS !!!!!! (No, I will not do innapropiate ones like heated make out sessions) 
3) JIPER/JASPER ONE - SHOTS !!!!!! (Same as Percabeth, NOT innapropiate!) 
4) Leyna one shots - Leo and Reyna
5) Frazel one shots - Frank and Hazel
6) Thalico one shots - Thalia and Nico
7) Tratie one shots - Travis and Katie
8) All couples one shots - Percabeth, Jiper/Jasper, Leyna, Frazel, Thalico, Tratie, Chalris (Chrisse and Chris), Conner and Drew (do not know ship name), and My OOC and Another OOC!!!
9) Random Quest
10) Holiday one shots (with the couples), Cute AFTER war one shots, Or funny scenes!
11) Your IDEAS!

If you have any other suggestions, please fill out the contact or application form for the book club and for the message, write your idea or suggestion.

Btw, if you want to have an OOC please email me ( with the format:

Name of Character: 
Character Traits (what does he/she look like?)
Gender: Male/Female 
Godly Parent:
Mortal Parent (optional): 
Weapon of choice (can be more than one): 
Personality (optional): 
What she/he does as a hobby (play instrument, sports, etc.):
Crush/Who are they dating?:

So that's all you need to do! I will give you an example, this is ny character:

Courtney Note 
Slightly Wavy long Black hair and Dark blue eyes
Elizabeth Note
Bow and arrows, sometimes special dagger from father.
Quiet, smart, very ADHD, in between impatient and patient, could pass as a daughter of Athena.
Plays flute, loves anything sweet, and loves soft cookies.
Crushing on Connor Stoll

Haha had so much fun doing that!! Yea! Anyway, you could even make up characters that your OOC is crushing on, all you have to do is this:

For boys:

Crushing on Autumn Edge

Autumn Edge, Daughter of Athena, 14 years old.

Yep, that's all I need to know!! 

Simple enough!

After you email me that stuff, I will reply back saying either I accept your character or just asking for more information. I might ask you to change your godly parent if a lot of you guys have the same godly parent that you want.

I will also email you where you will find the fan fiction! Or just check it out now, I might post it on Fan Fiction . Com but it might be too complicated, if it is, check out Stories City!

That's it for now,

PeAce out ✌️✌️✌️

-Jessica Briggs

Things bothering me well not all.

So lately Jessie has been reminding me to post so now I finally got around to it.

So my teacher was saying how some relationships you just have to cut off, and that got me thinking, " what the.. but when I was really little they said that you have to include everyone" which is what we were told and you do, then you get out of that habit and you have different group of friends (this doesn't necessarily apply to everyone its just a generalization) then you start making mistakes on the way that actually matter, like telling someone's secret, or worrying about people judging you and changing who you are well I am not entirely grown up so I can't really say the rest but I am pretty mad after that one year in particular having to put up with them because they were my so called "friend" and then growing up and finding out I didn't have to suffer through her tantrums! sheesh thank goodness there is self control.

     Another option is that someone got bullied, and I know we already did a post on it however if they you are then try to remember that they are trying to get a reaction, I can't say I have been in your position, however from other people if you have suicidal thoughts, just watch the video.

Well that will be all for today I have some modifications to the blog I need to make and consult with Jessie!
