Saturday, July 12, 2014

Crazy Obsessions

So this week, I've had quite a lot of obsessions, and all of them are from or located in YouTube.

I think we should start with music, the songs I've been really obsessing over is Postcard by Bridgit Mendler. I really like this song because it's catchy and it's really relatable. The parts where I, as a female, can relate to the most, is when she sings:

"I'm not a Barbie doll, throw me your baseball."

Because there used to be a lot of sexist boys at my school, not anymore thankfully, but there used to be, and they used to never share with me, or anything. And that sucked.

But moving on, my other song obsession is the song Introducing Me by Nick Jonas and Hero by Sterling Knight. I understand that he didn't actually sing 'Hero' but I really don't want to have to search up who really sang the song.

Introducing Me by Nick Jonas is a song I recommend you hearing and if you don't hear it, that's definitely your loss.

Okay, two more song obsessions this week of mine, are Perfect Two by Auburn and the last one is Umbrella by Rihanna. They're both beautifully written songs :) I'm sure you've all heard Umbrella before, it's old, but it's one of the most obsessed songs of mine.

Now, I'm going to talk about my new favorite TV show, which is not really new, because it's the only favorite tv show that I've ever had in my lifetime.

This show is not on TV anymore, but it's located on YouTube! It's Sonny with a Chance.

If you're like me, and you cannot stand those cliché TV love romances, then hello Sonny with a Chance. This show is literally my favorite show. I've watched so many reruns of S02E20 that I literally can't stand to stay away from YouTube.

Chad Dylan Cooper is my favorite character, because honestly he's really smooth, funny, and cute. He may not be nice in the beginning but he warmed up to the Randoms and he became a really nice person. ChannyFTW!!!

Anyway, I'm sure listening to me babble about my favorite obsessions was just SO fun. Sorry if I killed you're spirit.

Anyway, I think I might go and watch some reruns, and I'll be back next time I post.

Bye ❤️


Jaz and I haven't been posted on schedule. So I'm pretty sure I'll take the Schedule down since we post on our own accord. If we want to post on Friday we can, if we want to post on Monday we can. If we want to post on the same day we can.

Jaz and I have also have a goal to post every week so keep in tuned for that. Thanks for staying with us. :)

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