Monday, September 15, 2014

Okay I lied.....

   Hey Guys!
So I kinda said I would post a video of my trip to Taiwan but I kinda got lazy then realized that I don't have a good editor so....yeah. If you guys have any recommendations then please tell! >,<

         Besides that School has obviously started, I am at a new school and I didn't know anyone and it is a great experience! I'm glad I get a clean slate to start anew but its hard being the new kid because I haven't been for the last eight years. Its also kinda stressful because next year I have to go to a new school again! *sigh*  so yeah that what I have been up to.

      At the TCN's I was really disapointed when Conner Franta, or JennXpenn didn't win. :( Who do you think should have won? Also recently I have been loving the Mortal Instruments series its sooooooooooo good!!!!! (I haven't seen the movie BTW)


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