Hey guys! Just a little update, I was searching Itunes for random songs and guess what I found?? HANNAH MONTANA!!!!!!!!! She was singing this song called 'The best of both worlds'
Isn't it catchy?
Anyway, my brother, our former blogger, Danny, said to me,
"Ewww, isn't that Miley Cyrus?"
Me: "Yeah... she changed"
Me: "Shut up."
Me: o-0
Him: "What? I don't like Miley Cyrus! Pshhh!"
Like i said, just a little update...
GUESS WHAT?!?!? IM WATCHING 'Secret of the Wings' at the same time so like....
Hi awesome people! Today this post is about... *read title* ....I'm going to write down some quotes that I think will make you guys get feelings or will make us relate to them... so let's start!
If you want this post to be awesome just click on the video below or play a sad song on the playlist, or something instrumental!
“Youremotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to youremotions.”
I can definitely relate to THAT! My emotions just change constantly, one to the other, and back again! I know I'm no quitter, but somethings I want to change, and leave behind, and I'm sure other people can relate to things they want to leave behind, or just some sad thoughts that cross your mind constantly.
When it says that WE are the slaves to our emotions, I think that means that we follow our emotions, like when our emotions change from our thoughts, we change too.
“The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.”
This probably means that the people with feelings, like relationships and other feelings, think that the world is a 'tragedy' as in, a sad place because they are depressed all the time, and used to be loved or used to love someone else with their heart, and now it is broken.
The second part, that says that the world is a 'comedy' to those who think. Is because people don't express themselves by feelings. They just think the world is a big joke, like they are players and they cheat on people, they think that the world is no big deal and that it is okay to do bad things.
“Love will find you eventually, I guarantee it. That’s why you need to buy an invisible cloak from me for the one-time low price of $77,777.77. Offer valid for emotional purposes only. ”
This quotation, by far, is the best one I've seen yet. What is means is, well you probably get it, he's trying to make you buy his invisible cloak, right? But love already has bought an invisible cloak. You just need to find it, it's somewhere in your body, your brain or in your heart. It's just hiding from you because it knows your not ready yet, not ready to experience a whole new level of....
Christmas is in three days! :O i have no idea when Hanukah is... Sorry fellow Jewish peeps!
I just wanted everyone to know, I am entering a Christmas contest, so please help me by...
1) Go to xoJessicaxoxo's Wall
2) click on the first photo on my wall
3) woozup the photo (woozup button on the bottom left corner under the photo)
Message me or post on my wall for a shout out :)
1) Go to xoJessicaxoxo's Wall
2) Click xoJessicaxoxo's Albumz
3) Click on the Christmas Contest Albumz
4) Click on the photo inside of the Albumz
5) Woozup the photo (woozup button on the bottom left corner under the photo)
If you don't know how to do it because you have no idea what Woozworld is... You can help me by either making a woozworld account and doing it or by spreading the word!!
Please remember to share my post and ask people to woozup!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Hello peeps! Luv ya guys soon much! Anyway, how are you guys?? So um yeah....... I'm randomly posting because I'm bored and with all the school stuff going on... Well I'm just REALLY busy especially since I also have a math program.... No, I do not suck at math.....
I have PROOF!!! xD
So today during math the guy sitting next to me said:
"What page are you on?"
"Me?" I asked.
"No, you're already done. I can tell because you're smart."
Yea, that's just ONE of my MANY stories and no sarcasm there ppl!!
Also there is this one guy who sits.... Fairly close to me and I think he likes me because I sometimes have to wear glasses in class because I can't see far away that well so anyway I was wearing glasses for like the eighth time and guess what he said??
"Do you wear glasses?"
Me: *think* DUH... "Yea...."
".... You should wear them more often"
Me: "..... Why...... ??"
"Just 'cause."
I know it's not very good evidence but I am still suspicious, anyways have a great evening/day/night/afternoon/idkwhattimeitisinyourworldbutyea....
Thanks for all your emails messages and what's not!
I was watching a video and they said that wearing flats and skinny jeans makes you look super stubby and stuff and that you should wear heels instead. So at my feets own risk I wore them with skinny jeans and it was terrible. Just a thought I thought you might want to know.
Also I found this amazing tutorial and made my friends gift for her birthday which is this Sunday! Anyway here is a photo!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
WOOT WOOT!!!!!!! Thank you so much XxEricAnObxX for checking out this blog!!
Please share this and add the nicest woozen in the world!!!
So on Jessica's previous post I am going to talk about that a little bit, so have you ever had this guy or girl whatever your preference is I won't judge, anyway have you ever had someone you really hate have a crush on you and you know it but you hate them too much to say anything, that's how I am feeling right now, this guy has had a crush on me for a while but he is a racist and sexist and a cheater in open minded stubborn guy who thinks he's better than everyone, sort about that and to get that of my chest, annnnny way what do you do in these situations, comment below and don't forget to Goole plus it! Happy Fall!
This is Jaz,
Signing out.
(We still have at least three ,ore holidays before valentines day dont worry. Yet)
I just wanted to remind everyone of TV Wooz!!!! :'( RIP GUYZ!!!!
Here are some things I saw ppl post about TV wooz!
I know they quit a while ago, like 2 months but hey! They will be remembered.
So yeah! Please help Tennis and Victor. I know what what happened to Tennis, I think he switched blogs or something but yea!
Thank you guys and have a great day!
Hola peeps! Todayz im gonna talk about Woozworld! *-* <33 Okay, Long time no see & stuff. Anywayyy I'm going to update you with all the wooz newz and stuff...Sooo the winnes of star of the week is:
Congratulations -Sakura-X3, Pansap and izzie556!
Unit winners are:
Congratulations to Destiny228, Meepxbunnys, Camryna and Wizoru !
Also, There's now going to be new daily items...
You can buy them in shopz ;o This weeks item is a mummy and it's placed in the woozen quests for some reason o.o
and finally, there's a unit called Trick Or Treat and you can get a gift there if you click one of the boxes, I'm not sure what the gifts are but I think it's a spell.
Click the picture to make it bigger
So if you go to the unit and click the boxes (circled in red) you'll get a prize.
That's all for today guys, Have an awesome morning/afternoon/evening/night!
Lets talk about love. WAIT! DON'T EXIT THIS OUT YET!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Anywayz like I was saying. I just wanted to start talking about crushes. O-0 FINE!
Yes, I have a crush... No biggie! And um... lets just nickname my crushes MC MC = Major Crushes/ Minor Crushes Whew! Good thing a girl at my school doesn't view this blog or she would gossip and gossip and gossip! but I decided to do this theme because of a lot of people are freakin' out about Valentine's Day. CHILL GUYZ!!!!!!! I am freakin' out about it but who cares? I sure don't! Im just trying to make ya worrywarts feel less scared and stuff.... And I apologize about the late posts and stuff but I will post again soon!
Valentine Rose Signing Out ;) P.S do you like the new playlist i added?? Oh, and i picked the songs all by mehself!! TOOTS!!!! ;)
Oh mi goshcakes!!! Tmrw is Halloween! TRICK OR TREAT? BOO! Anyway, as i was saying tmrw is Halloween so I'd like to wish you all a Happy Halloween, of course both me and Jaz are going to go trick or treating! :D And if you guys are wondering about the book club. It's being cancelled for now. SOZ GUYS!! All the tests are soooo annoying and they get me sooo busy! Since tmrw is Halloween I can't go ahead and procrastinate any longer so my mom is killing me!! Oreos, xP but anyway, yea! So I just wanted to recommend a site to you all: Fanfiction.net Yep. I put that as a link so you wouldn't have to go through the trouble! So please check that out and get the mobile app by searching in the App Store or whatever! Search up: MidnightStarryOwl That's meh! X3 Chiz, it's already 10:30!! Gtg havea good night sleep kiddos!
Hey peeps,
is Jazheartzz Happy Halloween everybody, Jessie already covered costumes so I may or may not scratch over that topic but back on track, what are you going to be for Halloween, also how are you spending it?
You know its kind of weird how a holiday like Halloween was almost exactly like Christmas could turn the opposite way. Are you taking your little sister trick or treating are you going with some friends or are you staying home giving out and eating candy? Either way one of my favorite Halloween costume last minutes are in a for of a video oh is it none other than...(drum roll) Michelle Phan!
I may or may not have eaten too many green tea kit kat. OK you got me since i found out don't have to beg my sisters friend and my friend who go to Japan to get em some (yes very selfish) any ways what snack will you be dying to get? Anyways that all i have time for being i am super tiered and its only 7:37! CRAZY
Signing out
Jazheartzz (Jasmine)
Saturday, October 26, 2013
HEY GUYS!!!!!!!
This is my new pic! And also im still in the process of editing it so don't rate 1. from 1 - 10 how much would you rate it?
New books!! So, i know most of you must be OBSESSED with Woozworld, and I get it, I mean, this used to be a Woozworld blog, but since no one has been posting about it lately. I'm just going to keep you updated on the occasional updates and news.
Since the blog has changed I still guarantee we're not going to start posting about the government closing and blah, blah, blah....
Thanks so much for going on this blog and It'll be WONEDRFUL if you can subscribe to this blog and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, E-mail, Wix.... and SOOOOO MUCHHH MORE!!!!!
Gee, Halloween is finally here! Well close I guess... Well.... Yeah, you get my point.
As you can see, I changed the background into a Halloween styled bloggy thing and GUESS WHAT?? >>.<< I changed the blog again. But i promise this will be the LAST time.
:P Jaz has been really annoyed at me, but the theme is STILL hearts. So, that is a worth it...
Remember THIS? :
Yea, it was from 2011!! Just showing the Ye Olden days LOL!
I still haven't thought of what I could be for Halloween so I thought I might share some ideas with you and get inspired.
1. Giant Pig -- I would explain but I don't have much time
2. Giant Teddy Bear
3. Giant Lollipop
4. Giant--Okay you get the point--lets do some real ideas!
Halloween Costume Ideas:
1. Angel
2. Devil
3. Witch
4. Bumble Bee
5. Lady Bug
6. Fire fighter
7. Poop
8. Little Baby Girl
9. Little Baby Boy
10. A Book.
Those are just some ideas I randomly came up with! Please do NOT hate becuz I am rushing!! GTG to sleep soon! Hope those were helpful and those weren't in order BTW, Cuz normally I'd put 'Poop' as #1.
Until then,
Hey guys! I know I know call me
A lazy bum! :) so anyway let me share you a song (video) that I've been listening to during umm school I guess :D
Hey guys, Jazheartz here. So today I wanted to write compliments to the author i am reading, not just this author however i didn't have enough time to write to all my favorites so i choose the one I am reading right now, here it is 5 compliments to Kat Zhang on her book What's Left Of Me.
#1. I am really envious of the way she can create mood i would use an example however i am running out of time.
#2. The way Kat Zhang can describe something as huge as a machine without you even noticing.
#3. I really enjoy how imaginative the authors in general have this powerful animation.
#4. I also love how the authors in general they all have their own styles of the way they use words.
#5.Also i reread the beginning and it makes you think "what's that?" and then well me, being curious usually I think "read on!
You see that blank spot up there ^ that is where you, the fans, the readers, whatever you want to call yourselves anyway that is where you guys reply, via e-mail or in the comments. Type what you think the last compliment should be for the author you are reading. It could be a book or a fanfiction, also all the ideas have to submitted, by the 22 of October, I will choose the winner by the 24th and the post for the winner will be on the blog hopefully by the 26th.
Signing out this is,
Jasmine Andersine
Monday, September 16, 2013
hey guys how you doing so during the school year our schedule is going to be really off because of homework we will try our best to stay on time however it is going to be hard, i hope you understand that this is going to need your help, we will be more excited to post if the amount of you the viewers grow, advertise share and subscribe to the blog also tell us what you think of the blog, try not to be too harsh on us i will admit we are not the most advanced authors, or newbies as some might say. Also for fashion tips and more cheek the blog tomorrow!
Woahhh......... WUT HAPPENED?? Looks like someone played someone..... Face it guys, we all knew this was gonna happen... This is what Kizzi has to say about it tho
She broke up with him.... and Im on Kizzi's side. I was never really a fan of the 'Duckies' and im never gonna be so.... keep up with that.
This is me. Well actually that's my friend...
NOT me.
Yep. Like everyone else, I pretty much knew this was going to happen. Let's review some parts.
Honestly, I have NO idea what happened. Just tune in for more pics and stuff!! xD
Ok so for the Book Club.... we were talking about Percy and Annabeth RIGHT????
TAAADAAA!!!! Alexandria Deberry. Looks JUST like how i imagined Annabeth to look like. Except with gray eyes!! xDD
Lets just say Annabeth can get violent. But when she DOESN't....
She glared at me like she was about to punch me. Then she did something that surprised me more. She kissed me. 'Be careful, Seaweed Brain.' Then she put on her hat and vanished. I probably would've sat there for the rest of the day staring at the lava and trying to remember what my name was, but the sea demons jarred me back to reality.
Im a romantic person so that's probably why i'm obsessed with that book and blah, blah, blah.
"Percy mentions a down-side to dating the smartest girl at Camp Half-Blood: he actually learns things."
If you want to read MORE about all of the Romance between all the demigods, click here
Keep reading if you want to know MORE about Percy and Annabeth's relationship.
When Percy wakes up he describes Annabeth as a "pretty girl, her blond hair curled like a princess". During their quest, Annabeth and Percy both feel awkward at stepping into the Tunnel of Love. They eventually go in, which leads to Percy saving Annabeth from the spiders that are part of the trap designed by Hephaestus to catch Ares and Aphrodite.
Later, with the help of Ares, the three hop on a truck heading west and Annabeth and Percy talk about the possibility of war between the gods while Grover sleeps. They briefly talk about their personal backgrounds (mainly of their god parents), and Percy asks her that if the gods do go to war; would Poseidon and Athena be on opposite sides like they were during the Trojan War. Annabeth admits she doesn't know, but would fight along side Percy regardless as they were friends, before asking if he had any more stupid questions.
When going into the Underworld in the boat, Annabeth takes hold of Percy's hand to make sure she's not the only one alive and Percy said he normally would've been embarrassed, but he wasn't at the time.
Annabeth admits at sixteen that she had a crush on Percy since the age of twelve.
Annabeth begins to show slight feelings for Percy (and vice-versa; though, more Percy is less than Annabeth- for now). Percy was shocked when he saw Annabeth with make-up on C.C.'s island and thought he would be tongue-tied if he weren't a guinea pig. She hugged him when he changed back to human, cried on his shoulder while hugging him underwater (after he saved her from the Sirens). At the end of the book, she kisses him on the cheek following their success at the chariot race.
Percy and Annabeth dance in the beginning after Percy was jokingly punched by Annabeth, after asking who he should dance with. While dancing, Percy was nervous and "tried to focus on little things- the streamers, the punch bowl- anything but the fact that Annabeth is taller than me, my hands are probably sweaty and gross, and I'm stepping on her toes". After slow-dancing with her, Percy found out that Annabeth almost became a Hunter at one point, and that the option is still open. Percy is terrified that Annabeth would leave him. When Percy meets Aphrodite, she makes Percy reveal aloud that the reason for going on the quest was mostly about Annabeth. Annabeth wanted to go back to holding the sky so Artemis could fight, but Percy took the weight. Later, while she seemed grateful to all of the people who rescued her, she expressed her gratitude mostly to Percy. At the end during the Olympian party Percy suggests they finish their dance and she smiles, takes his hand, and they dance. Percy hears a slow song and wonders what other music everyone else hears.
She glared at me like she was about to punch me. Then she did something that surprised me more. She kissed me. 'Be careful, Seaweed Brain.' Then she put on her hat and vanished. I probably would've sat there for the rest of the day staring at the lava and trying to remember what my name was, but the sea demons jarred me back to reality.
During breakfast one day, Annabeth broke the rules and sat at Percy's table (like really close to him) to talk about their upcoming quest, which Percy really liked. Before the quest, Annabeth and Percy hugged. Annabeth got extremely jealous and moody every time Percy mentioned Rachel Dare. When they found the Labyrinth, Annabeth held Percy's hands which to Percy if it was public, he would have been embarrassed, but it was dark and they were together. Then, when Percy walks into the Athena Cabin to talk to Annabeth, he asks her what the last part of the prophecy was about. In response, she tears up and holds out her hands, and Percy walks over and hugs her. They are later interrupted by Malcolm, and awkwardly say they were preparing for the quest. In Mt. St. Helens, when Percy risked his life so Annabeth could get to safety, she kissed him and disappeared, putting on her magic Yankees cap. She and the rest of camp presumed he was dead, as he was stuck on Ogygia for two weeks. When he returns, Annabeth hugs him fiercely until she realized she was making a scene. She was furious at Percy for being gone so long, and when she figures out where he has been marooned to (and had been with Atlas' daughter, Calypso), she gets even madder with extreme jealousy. When they return to Camp Half-Blood, and when Percy is about to go, their relationship is slightly shaky.
To Percy, Annabeth looked like beating him was the best thing she wanted to do. According to Beckendorf when girls look like that it means they like the boy. After Percy, Silena, and Annabeth manage to save Beckendorf from a swarm of Myrmekes during a game of Capture the Flag, Annabeth and Silena turn on them and take them as prisoners of war. As Annabeth leaves to finish the game, she tells Percy she will see him at the fireworks show, which is the most romantic event at camp. However, she doesn't wait for his answer and runs away before he could reply, leaving Percy to wonder if she just asked him to the event.
Interviewer: You've been known to call Percy "Seaweed Brain" from time to time. what's his most annoying quality?
During the interview section of The Demigod Files, Annabeth was asked what Percy's most annoying quality. She says that it is how he acts dumb and it annoys her. While ranting about this, she unintentionally points out his good qualities, including how courageous he is, how funny he is, and that he is good looking (which she warns the interviewer not to tell Percy she said that). She also says that Percy doesn't know how people are feeling, even when they are dropping hints and being blatant, but she claims she isn't talking about anyone in particular and that everyone thinks she is talking about her and Percy.
As Percy and Annabeth are inspecting the cabins at camp and arrive at Athena's, Annabeth begins to say something about her feelings for Percy, but is interrupted by Annabeth's second-in-command Malcolm. Percy finds this awkward and nervous as the rules were that demigods of the opposite gender were not allowed to be in one cabin alone if they are not related and changes the subject. While Percy was bathing in the River Styx, he had to choose one thing to think of to keep him anchored to the mortal world. He imagined Annabeth pulling him out of a Camp Half-Bloodlake, saying "Hold on, Seaweed Brain, you're not getting away from me that easily," causing the cord connected to his lower back to strengthen and eventually pull him out of the river.
During Camp Half Blood's war preparations, or during the war itself, every time a difficult task was at hand, Percy would volunteer either to protect Annabeth, or to ask for her help. When Percy was about to get stabbed at his one weak point during a battle (he would have died immediately), Annabeth intercepted the blow even though Percy never told her where his weak spot was. Percy immediately became very defensive of her, making sure no one touched her. Kronos found this interesting. Later, as Annabeth was healing, she and Percy were immersed in a conversation that was quickly escalating into a romantic moment, but Connor interrupted and stated that Grover had arrived.
On the way to Mount Olympus, they cross the dangerously crumbling bridge. Everyone gets to the other side safely except Annabeth. She almost falls, but Percy saves her with the help of his friends. As Percy pulls her back up, they realize that their arms around each other and awkwardly untangle themselves.
Soon, Kronos/Luke finally comes to Olympus and Annabeth, Percy, Thalia, and Grover are the only ones there to protect the ancient city. A statue falls over Thalia, and she urges them to go on. Grover gets knocked out almost immediately. Kronos strikes at Percy and paralyzes him. Then Kronos goes for Annabeth and mortally wounds her. Luke regains control of himself, and stabs himself to kill Kronos once and for all. As he lay dying, he asked Annabeth if she ever loved him. She replied that she thought of him like a brother, but never truly loved him at all.
Near the end, as Percy is being offered immortality and life in Olympus, Annabeth feels horrified that Percy would leave her, similar to the way Percy felt when she almost became a Hunter. He turns down the offer, primarily because of Annabeth, and she cries in relief. Back at camp, Annabeth holds a private birthday party for Percy, with a homemade cupcake. Percy confesses his vision in the River Styx. He tries to tell her how he feels about her, but Annabeth simply smiles at him, as if she was trying to hold in her laughter. Percy complains that she isn't making things easy for him, to which Annabeth replies by putting her arms around his neck and saying that she would never make things easy for him. She kisses him there and then, while Percy states that he felt like his brain was melting right through his body, and that he could stay like that forever.
However, the campers, lead by Clarisse La Rue, interrupt and pick them both up, but allow them to be close enough to hold hands. They dump Percy and Annabeth into the lake, expecting them to resurface. But because Percy is a son of Poseidon, he creates an air bubble around the two of them, not unlike the one in the Bay of The Sirens in The Sea of Monsters, and they share what Percy describes as "the best underwater kiss of all time". They officially start their relationship, and when Annabeth says she wants to be an architect to make something permanent, Percy says that they were "off to a great start." Grover remarks that he is still Percy's best friend and that nothing has changed - "except for Annabeth". Percy replies by saying that "That's different", to which Grover agrees. As they leave Camp Half-Blood for the year, as they race down the hill, Percy states; for the first time, he "didn't look back".
It is stated that Percy is Annabeth's boyfriend, showing they are in a relationship. Annabeth meets Jason, Leo, andPiper when she and Butch arrive to take them to camp but she really came because she was told Jason would know where Percy is. Also, she goes looking for Percy again the same day Jason, Piper, and Leo depart for their quest.
It is confirmed in the first chapter that besides Percy's own name and heritage as a demigod, Annabeth is the only aspect of his life that he can recall to any extent at that point. Not long after, Percy has a dream in which Annabeth, as well as Grover, appears telling him to "stay put". Percy has some internal conflict about leaving camp due to her warning, wanting desperately to see her, but ultimately leaves camp to complete the quest after making a promise to her that he would return. During the quest, Percy recognizes that though he wants very much to protect Camp Jupiteras well as his new friends Frank and Hazel, his drive for completing the mission relies heavily on Annabeth; he says his greatest fear is not the loss of his life, but that he might forget Annabeth's face as they get closer to Alaska. When returning to Camp Jupiter with his memory fully intact, Percy worries for his friends' safety at Camp Half-Blood. When Juno tells him that Annabeth would be an obstacle in the coming quest, Percy gets worried for her, as well as furious at Juno for taking eight months of his life with Annabeth and his other friends. As the Argo II finally arrives, Percy realizes Annabeth must be on the boat and thinks that, despite his lost time, it would be the greatest day of his life.
Throughout the book, Percy consistently refers to Annabeth as his girlfriend, even turning down blatant courtship from the AmazonKinzie (as well as another insinuated courtship from Reyna) by saying he's already romantically involved. He also mentions many instances of past kissing, as well as stating that the two months he'd been dating Annabeth had been fantastic. Humorously, Percy mentions a down-side to dating the smartest girl at Camp Half-Blood: he actually learns things.
It is confirmed that they are dating. Percy forgets their one month anniversary. To make up for it, he makes a deal with Hermes. The deal is that if Percy and Annabeth complete a quest to retrieve Hermes' staff from the fire-breathing giant Cacus, the god will take them to Paris. At the end, Hermes ends up taking them to Paris for their one month anniversary.
Annabeth mentions that she had had a crush on him since she was 12, and that her feelings for him grew exponentially once he disappeared. Percy's love also grew exponentially to the point where he liked certain aspects of Camp Jupiter because he was thinking of their future. He mentions this to her towards the beginning of the book, and it is a major point of re-connection between the two.
There are many instances throughout the book where Annabeth is stuck thinking about the amount of pain she experienced during the 6 months that Percy was missing. Especially at the beginning, it seems as if her experiences during this time would end up harming their relationship, simply due to the level of hurt and loss that she experienced. While this does not entirely disappear through the middle and end of the book, it is clear by the end that their positive feelings for each other have overcome any previous pain that they have been through.
There are also moments throughout the book where it is evident that Percy and Annabeth are growing closer, and falling in love. At the beginning, Annabeth realizes that Reyna had made a move on Percy, and that he rejected Reyna for Annabeth. Annabeth promptly silently forgives her boyfriend for everything he's ever done wrong because of that. On the ship one night, Annabeth wakes Percy from his nightmare and takes him down to the ship's stables. She says she likes the stables for a reason, and once he looked around, Percy realized that she liked because of a memory they both share. It reminds both of them of the time when they first actually talked on their first quest riding in the back of an animal transport truck.
Percy also mentions to Annabeth that back in New Rome, demigods could grow up and have families, indirectly implying that they may be able to do the same. Annabeth finds that to be very sweet, but says that they probably ruined any chance of cooperation with the Romans and it probably wasn't possible. Percy gets shy and tells her that he would think that to give him hope that he would be reunited with her. They stay down there, talking for a bit, before falling asleep in each others arms. In the morning, Frank finds them, and to their humiliation, Coach Hedge grounds them both in front of the other passengers. Later in the book, after Percy rescuing Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper from Octavian and two others, Annabeth throws her arms around Percy and says, "I love you!", though this was probably said in the heat of the moment.
Whenever Annabeth or Percy gets in danger the other always is off to the rescue and is worried sick. After being apart for so long, a separation is almost unbearable. Percy finds himself wanting to make up for lost time, but also realizes that he can only imagine to a small extent what it must have been like for Annabeth, to endure for 8 months, not knowing where he was or if he was even alive. This mutual realization and subsequent sharing of the strength of their feelings for each other eventually leads to the promises that they make never to leave one another. This culminates in their final scene of the book, where Annabeth is about to be dragged into Tartarus by her entanglement in Arachne's webs. While they are both hanging off the edge of the chasm, with Percy holding on to her, they both realize that they are beyond the help of the other demigods. Percy demands that Nico promise to lead the others to the side of the Doors of Death which exists in the land of the living. Percy asserts to Annabeth that everything will be alright as long as they are together, and she understands the choice he is about to make. He lets go and they both fall into dark that leads to Tartarus. Nico later states that Percy is the most powerful demigod he has ever met, and if anyone were to survive Tartarus, it would be him.
There is a profoundly tragic element to their relationship, which appears in a more complex and troubling manner than the general personal tragedies of the first series of books. After all they had been through together in the first five books, they had finally overcome their own personal issues and reached a point where they could be happy together. In this new series, they can both barely comprehend the cruelty of their situation, in that they were separated when they had finally found an instance of peace together. Even in this book, they were hard put to understand the implications of their separation, but were eventually able to overcome the tragedy of their separation. Despite this, their hardships as a couple will undoubtedly reach a level that even they have never experienced before, as they will both have to struggle to make their way out of the darkest, most painful situation they have ever experienced - Tartarus itself. However, both of them seem to accept that it is because of being demigods.