Friday, December 6, 2013

Quotes that will make you get DEEP emotions

Hi awesome people! Today this post is about... *read title* ....I'm going to write down some quotes that I think will make you guys get feelings or will make us relate to them... so let's start! 

If you want this post to be awesome just click on the video below or play a sad song on the playlist, or something instrumental!

Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions.” 

― Elizabeth Gilbert

I can definitely relate to THAT! My emotions just change constantly, one to the other, and back again! I know I'm no quitter, but somethings I want to change, and leave behind, and I'm sure other people can relate to things they want to leave behind, or just some sad thoughts that cross your mind constantly.

When it says that WE are the slaves to our emotions, I think that means that we follow our emotions, like when our emotions change from our thoughts, we change too.

The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.” 

― Horace Walpole

This probably means that the people with feelings, like relationships and other feelings, think that the world is a 'tragedy' as in, a sad place because they are depressed all the time, and used to be loved or used to love someone else with their heart, and now it is broken.

The second part, that says that the world is a 'comedy' to those who think. Is because people don't express themselves by feelings. They just think the world is a big joke, like they are players and they cheat on people, they think that the world is no big deal and that it is okay to do bad things.

“Love will find you eventually, I guarantee it. That’s why you need to buy an invisible cloak from me for the one-time low price of $77,777.77. Offer valid for emotional purposes only. 

This quotation, by far, is the best one I've seen yet. What is means is, well you probably get it, he's trying to make you buy his invisible cloak, right? But love already has bought an invisible cloak. You just need to find it, it's somewhere in your body, your brain or in your heart. It's just hiding from you because it knows your not ready yet, not ready to experience a whole new level of....

Love ♥.

Rainbow Emotions!


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