Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Summer Favorites of September/August!! (oops that's not really summer)

Dear world out there,

So a few days ago, Jaz posted her summer favorites, so why not post mine? Huh?

yeah it's totally not 11 PM right now...

HAH..... HAH.....

Let's move on with it!


1. This cute outfit on Pinterest
2. Shakespeare Quotes (What?)
3. Doctor Who Quotes (Stop looking at me like that.)
4. Percy Jackson Quotes (Okay fine. I'll move on.)
5. This other cute outfit on Pinterest.
6. A girl in my Orchestra who has the cutest outfits ever (I'm so jealous.) and she's really pretty and I think I'd turn gay for her but no.
7. Uh.... Divergent?
7.5. Yes, I'm late, deal with it.


8/1. Little Bird by Ed Sheeran.
9/2. Greyson Chance.
10/3. Mistletoe by Justin Bieber.
11/4. Here's 2 Us by Victoria Justice & Victorious
12/5. 8 Song Mashup by Superfruit & Tori Kelly
13/6. Silent (From 'The Giver' soundtrack) by Tori Kelly
14/7. LA Boyz by Victoria Justice ft. Ariana Grande
15/8. Break Free by Ariana Grande
16/9. Shake it off by Taylor Swift (T SWIZZLE. Okay, who's not obsessed with that?)


17/10. Leveling up on Woozworld
18/11. Reading 'We were liars'
19/12. Reading 'Crank' (it's a horror)
20/13. Getting annoyed at this girl who's in both my Math & Block period. Like could you shut up? (SHES A LIAR.)
20/13.5. I don't know about you, but considering she's shorter than me (and believe me, I'm short) and she claims that she can flip her uncle over onto the ground makes me doubt her.


Okay well that's it.


Guys gotta make this quick, gotta eat a stick.

Okay so for the past few days, I've felt really poetic and just plain old.

     I really hope that feeling will not leave me in times like this, when I try to come up with something meaningful to say, or funny enough to be in a blog post.

I have to sleep soon so this has to be quick.

Anyway, for the past few  months, I've been obsessed with Wattpad and honestly, I've met this really poetic and inspiring author (@silenciuse) and she's amazing.

After reading one of her many poetic stories I got inspired to write my own. It's a collection of chapters which tell the tale of a man who lost his son and wife to a train but...let's not go into details.

     It's called "Trainwreck" and can be available for sale on Ebay, Amazon, and--
whoa hold up,
Just kidding.

I wish though.

Okay, back to the topic, I've been feeling a bit like the clean Shakespeare.
Which can be good, until that moment when you get into your bed, and then you're all like,
"To thine own self be true, goodnight the birds be blue, fat smiles make the world look like sue.."

Yes, I completely made that up but let's just sit here and make up a few poetic sentences. Make them sound cool then we can call it a day okay?

I'm tired and this was probably not proofread.
Now it has been ;) -Jasmine

Okay so that's just a thing going on right now, nothing super big or anything, just random stuff.

Since this blog literally has ZERO things to do with Woozworld, I think I may do some remodeling when I have time and ya-da-ya-da-ya-da-dah.

   Today, I've just been notified that my neighbor, who-shall-not-be-named, is starting to take the bus.
With me.
Yay life.

  I'm supposed to stop by their door and knock on it.

   Like heck no I'm not doing that.

But anyway, my dad just told me a few minutes ago, (and by 'a few' I mean like two hours or something), and for me, knowing me, it'll probably end up going something along the lines of this:

Me: toota-loota-loooo walking to nobody's business.

Neighbor: silence.

Me: knocks on door then runs away like a maniac.


And if my neighbor turns out to be late or something, then it's their fault.

I'm kind of tired of calling my neighbor "neighbor" so let's go ahead and call them: "Sam"

Because Sam can be a guy & girl name.


Well that's it.

I'm tired, my eyes are droopy, and I'm about to go hit the hay.

Sincerely--yours truly, the non-proofreading, smart, anti-social, bookworm..

Jessica Briggs

Monday, September 15, 2014

Summer Favorites

    Hey Guys! Jaz here, so today I am doing my summer favorites.

So this summer we have enjoyed a playlist of songs here is mine!

  • Becky G feat. Pitbull - Can't Get Enough
  • Cher Lloyd - Superhero 
  • Jessie J - Domino
  • Bang Bang - Jessie J feat. Ariana Grande Nicki Minaj
  • Meghan Tranior - All About that Bass
  • AJR - I'm Ready
  • Echosmith - Come Together
  • Echosmith - Cool Kids
  • Echosmith - Talking Dreams
  • Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
  • Karmin - Acapella
  • Chandelier - Sia
  • Best Mistake - Ariana Grande
  • Lock me up - The Cab
  • Drive By - Train
So those were all my summer favorites (sorta) I don't like all of them at this point because it was the WHOLE summer.

    This summer some of the video games i got into was
  • Halo (reach)
  • Mirrors Edge
  • Portal 2
  • Skyrim
  • TF2
So yeah, I have been thinking of making a You|tube| channel? What do you think?

Okay I lied.....

   Hey Guys!
So I kinda said I would post a video of my trip to Taiwan but I kinda got lazy then realized that I don't have a good editor so....yeah. If you guys have any recommendations then please tell! >,<

         Besides that School has obviously started, I am at a new school and I didn't know anyone and it is a great experience! I'm glad I get a clean slate to start anew but its hard being the new kid because I haven't been for the last eight years. Its also kinda stressful because next year I have to go to a new school again! *sigh*  so yeah that what I have been up to.

      At the TCN's I was really disapointed when Conner Franta, or JennXpenn didn't win. :( Who do you think should have won? Also recently I have been loving the Mortal Instruments series its sooooooooooo good!!!!! (I haven't seen the movie BTW)


Sunday, September 7, 2014

I hate school.

Dear people,                           September 7, 2014

So school has been bugging me.


Since I have orchestra, I just HAVE (rolls eyes) to pick up my instrument after school, WHILE the hallways are crowded with people, besides all those periods and walking and walking and (sheesh, did I tell you...?) WALKING. . .

I guess that's what has been motivating me to hate school.

But anyway, sorry for being sidetracked, like I said, I hate all the walking, because being me, (the little lazybum that I am), I really just don't like to walk.

Periods, classes, teachers, students, and WALKING.


Okay, to the point of this blog post today, It's all about how I have started school, and if you haven't then you are one lucky, lucky human being.

So anyway, the biggest thing I hate about school is the fact that none of my friends were there, which sucks because I am now a loner on the bus and at lunch.

-Slowly claps-

To summarize that, I am a loner and I hate school.

The fact that I have to walk everywhere (more than I had to way back when,)  bugs me. There are also people who, apparently, like to bump into me whilst walking to their next period.

I mean, who would bump into such a nice and kind person as I?

I'm so modest, ha ha.

About the blog, since school has started, I will be posting more [as an excuse to not have to do homework] and Jaz (being the goodie two shoes she is,) most likely will not be posting as often, but that's alright because I am here!!

I may also do a little remodeling of the blog, so be surprised when you see the changes I have made. I am trying to give this blog a more modern and mature look, so as of now, I will be giving Heart Daily a makeover soon.

After I edit this post and all, I will be quick to follow up with my Summer Favorites of September!!

Stay tuned and this is Valentine,