Saturday, January 25, 2014


     Hey guys! JAZ HERE! Anyway so this month and the next i will be with my lion dance/kung-fu class team for chinese new year so we will be super busy! Basically you wont hear from me for a while....well thatt is how it goes anyway hehe....-_-.  So yeah.......this is kind of awkward i am just going to be over here now. Also if you guys want a certain type of post type a suggestion in the comments below! Thanks!

This was Hearts daily keeping you updated!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Fashion Updates | Outfit Ideas

So yes, no posts in a long time and I decided to do one about fashion, why? Because I have these really cute outfit ideas that I got inspired to draw.

I wasn't able to attach the drawing on here so I will describe it out for you guys.

Plain straight hair or curly/wavy hair, basically anything will do.
Striped patterned sweater (any colors that go well together, ex. Red/Green or Blue/Orange)
Jeggings or Skinny Jeans (COLORS: Dark blue or black)
Combat Boots (COLORS: preferably brown but black will also work)
Black Scarf (optional) Some sort of wrist band (COLORS: preferably black or a color that matches the outfit)

So I was supposed to just have that outfit out but for those of you who are lazy and don't have those items, here's an outfit that is dedicated to you.

Any hair type, color and style will do
T shirt with some sort of pattern on it, something that isn't boring! 
Jean shorts, not too long, not too short (whatever your parents would let you wear!)
Sneakers, converse, tennis shoes, or even flats!
A cute necklace that is casual ans chic at the same time! (Can be found at Claires)

Well, that's it for today! <3

Jessie here, signing out!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Happy New Year! Very late i know

Hey guys! This is Valie here...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Yes I am late.... Sorry! I got sooo distracted because I was moving the Christmas tree out of my house and I was cleaning my room and doing my homework because school is about to start and all those annoying and 'fun' things.

So thank you for your patience and time because JAZ has not been updating lately and we need more readers to keep all of us motivated. Anywayyyys, do you guys like the new (ummmm...) picture thingy at the top of the blog? (YEAAA!!!!) It took forever to make because Jaz was sorta not technically in the photo.... So anyway, we decided to postpone the book club because we are busy with upcoming school stuff and other things that school gives us. 

So to end our book club Percy Jackson edition, I thought it would be cool to make a fan-fiction but I need votes in order to do it. I need votes for what I should write about because this is sort of going to be interactive, I will need lots of ideas and other things too, here are some ideas that I think would be good. 

1) Truth or Dare (don't worry I will make it humorous because I hate dirty (lemony) ones.)
2) PERCABETH ONE - SHOTS !!!!!! (No, I will not do innapropiate ones like heated make out sessions) 
3) JIPER/JASPER ONE - SHOTS !!!!!! (Same as Percabeth, NOT innapropiate!) 
4) Leyna one shots - Leo and Reyna
5) Frazel one shots - Frank and Hazel
6) Thalico one shots - Thalia and Nico
7) Tratie one shots - Travis and Katie
8) All couples one shots - Percabeth, Jiper/Jasper, Leyna, Frazel, Thalico, Tratie, Chalris (Chrisse and Chris), Conner and Drew (do not know ship name), and My OOC and Another OOC!!!
9) Random Quest
10) Holiday one shots (with the couples), Cute AFTER war one shots, Or funny scenes!
11) Your IDEAS!

If you have any other suggestions, please fill out the contact or application form for the book club and for the message, write your idea or suggestion.

Btw, if you want to have an OOC please email me ( with the format:

Name of Character: 
Character Traits (what does he/she look like?)
Gender: Male/Female 
Godly Parent:
Mortal Parent (optional): 
Weapon of choice (can be more than one): 
Personality (optional): 
What she/he does as a hobby (play instrument, sports, etc.):
Crush/Who are they dating?:

So that's all you need to do! I will give you an example, this is ny character:

Courtney Note 
Slightly Wavy long Black hair and Dark blue eyes
Elizabeth Note
Bow and arrows, sometimes special dagger from father.
Quiet, smart, very ADHD, in between impatient and patient, could pass as a daughter of Athena.
Plays flute, loves anything sweet, and loves soft cookies.
Crushing on Connor Stoll

Haha had so much fun doing that!! Yea! Anyway, you could even make up characters that your OOC is crushing on, all you have to do is this:

For boys:

Crushing on Autumn Edge

Autumn Edge, Daughter of Athena, 14 years old.

Yep, that's all I need to know!! 

Simple enough!

After you email me that stuff, I will reply back saying either I accept your character or just asking for more information. I might ask you to change your godly parent if a lot of you guys have the same godly parent that you want.

I will also email you where you will find the fan fiction! Or just check it out now, I might post it on Fan Fiction . Com but it might be too complicated, if it is, check out Stories City!

That's it for now,

PeAce out ✌️✌️✌️

-Jessica Briggs

Things bothering me well not all.

So lately Jessie has been reminding me to post so now I finally got around to it.

So my teacher was saying how some relationships you just have to cut off, and that got me thinking, " what the.. but when I was really little they said that you have to include everyone" which is what we were told and you do, then you get out of that habit and you have different group of friends (this doesn't necessarily apply to everyone its just a generalization) then you start making mistakes on the way that actually matter, like telling someone's secret, or worrying about people judging you and changing who you are well I am not entirely grown up so I can't really say the rest but I am pretty mad after that one year in particular having to put up with them because they were my so called "friend" and then growing up and finding out I didn't have to suffer through her tantrums! sheesh thank goodness there is self control.

     Another option is that someone got bullied, and I know we already did a post on it however if they you are then try to remember that they are trying to get a reaction, I can't say I have been in your position, however from other people if you have suicidal thoughts, just watch the video.

Well that will be all for today I have some modifications to the blog I need to make and consult with Jessie!
