Friday, June 23, 2017


Hey everyone.
So my last post was extremely depressing, especially since I insinuated that it would be the last post ever on this blog. However, that's not true as of today.

I wasn't originally planning on making a post, but I suddenly had so many thoughts that I wanted to document ~ so here they are:

1. I'm going to high school.
2. I didn't realize how scary that is until now.

I think the issue I have isn't high school or the things that go along with it, but I think I'm just so focused on the people.

I'm going to be going to school with a bunch of people I don't know. I'm not emotional about it. I've had experience with leaving before. Lots of times, in fact. I've had to say goodbye to people I'd never see again and I've had to tell the people that I'd like to keep in touch when in reality, that's not going to happen.

People are all stepping stones in the life of another person. You're never going to be the same person you were yesterday to someone. Your life is never going to stop and wait for someone else. Life doesn't work that way.

The thing about life is that people change everyday and sometimes that change can be good and sometimes it can be bad. There are times in life where I wish I could just pause the world, so that no one could change and everyone could be where they are right now. But life just gets in the way, doesn't it?

That's quite depressing but I think it's also quite interesting. How much a person can mean to you by the simple words and actions they do. The boy I've talked to once in Spanish class, or the girl I copy Math answers from. Those people were so meaningless until now.

I think we're all just meaningless figures until we add meaning to ourselves - or a definition of some sort. And I think that's what I'm going to miss the most.

The people I've labelled as my friends or even as my family. The people I constantly walk down the hallways with or the people I see in my class and occasionally talk to. I didn't realize those people meant anything to me until today - when I have to say goodbye.

Most people in my classes aren't going to the same high school I'm going to. Some are going to private schools, some to Catholic or Christian schools, and some to different public schools. I'm just guaranteed that they're not going to be with me next year, and that's depressing.

So I guess the moral of this post is... if you think you're meaningless to someone or that you don't carry any meaning or definition to you - you do. You mean something, even if you're just someone who picks up pencils for the girl who drops them.

I want to wish everyone a good day/night, and cheers to the future, because who knows what it'll hold?